Monday, January 30, 2023

Saint in the Making

 I'm Martha ignoring my daughter's theological questions

From the front seat, driving is a far better concern at the moment

"I shall be a nun."

Words that seem to come from the Holy Spirit

If I had $100, I would give $110 to the poor

"Where would the extra $10 come from?"

"You, or I don't know someone or maybe even Jesus will just give it to me."

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

New Job

 Are you nervous?

Do I look it?

No, but you hummed the whole way.

You'll get a good education here while I work.

Oh Robert, why would you do that? Now you're all wet. What am I going to say?

I'm sorry Mama

I need this job. Your father left us with nothing

I know you're sad.

Did you enhoy the bread and butter this morning? Charity. Charity.

Come hell if high water, I'm going to connect you to the right people.

So you can be better than the kids that hang out on the street.

I don't ming scrubbing toilets if it means my son can study with the rich kids. That filth is a small price to pay.