Friday, September 27, 2024


To my window she comes

There's not much time

Tell me your secrets and and I'll carry them with me

Sprinkle them.on the wooden path, on top of your footprints

On good days, I sit at my window.

Open my broken mind, fish out my memories

And speak

Two by two in song, they drink my words and sing

I'm dying, but my body will go on functioning in this world

In the midnight hours, I busy myself

Boxing up memories, bitter and sweet

Rereading books and poems that contain words for stirring emotion

Saying prayers with the hopes of finally getting the meditation right

Once done, I close the box on my life and bury it

Underneath the bottle tree my husband made from the wine we drank

Before the last pile of dirt was out back in place

I beg and pray that I remember one Word, just one

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sprig of Lavender

 Weeds choke the garden, killing  the pumpkins planted only months before

Half neglectful, the gardener begins to read, but only when she's bored

Finds it spiritual even 

The weeding starts on the bank across the driveway

Pumpkins are dead

Let the dead bury the dead, she mutters

When she finally makes it over the side

A calm arrests her olfactory senses

Buried  underneath, beauty thrives

She plucked a sprig of lavender

Devouring its sweetness of romance and promises and in a faint whisper, "God."

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Christmas Carol Practice

We clicked going for a 9am practice on a Saturday morning 30 minutes away.

We were late, of course and lost

There were no directions posted in the email for the music room

The only one around to ask for directions was a caffeine starved priest seemingly desperate for peace

His directions were perfect, thankfully.

You could here them, 20 girls not quite in tune singing classic/commercial carols for the elderly

I had flashbacks of my choir days in college and wondered why the girl's voices weren't being whipped into shape

Until I realized it's not about perfection, but joy and fellowship


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Dogwood Tree

My neighbors dogwood tree bloomed the color of purity
As five neighbors stood outside between my house and the tree 
Watching somebody's home across the street burn
All if us in awe, sorrow, and fear
If it happened to their house, it could happen to ours
That vinyl siding house went up in flames like nobody's business
I looked at my cedar house, knowing if it burned, it would be a bonfire for the ages
I put that out of my mind and watched the firemen hook up the water main two steos from my yard
I'm the last of my neighbors to go inside partly in awe of the sight, but mostly in shame
That it was them and not me

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saint Barbara

 It was a tower he put her in

You know, the one on Green Street

In his determination, he declared with a beer in hand

"Ain't nobody gonna disrespect my baby

So up in her tower his daughtet sat pondering creation

When your view is that of a bird, the world looks different

You become above petty shit

Only the best pagan teachers cone to visit

But they that lived below didnt understand that her view was above and closer to God

Boredom sat in

Father sent suitors to her in the prospects of marriage

But they were all sent away

They did not come with water and a crucifix

Only a man of Christ could give her what she desired


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Butterfly Emerging

 My cocoon is made up of sins

Venue sins sparkle and can almost be dusted away

But the mortal ones require force and will to remove them

Only a real Mariposa will fight to remove the heart of sin and emerge it's beauty

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

One Drop

At Mass, the priest sips from the chalice
Ever careful not to spill a drop
But how do you measure a drop?

It takes three drops of peppermint essential oil to soothe my headache
In America, there once existed the barbaric one drop rule

What would happen if one drop spilled from the chalice?
Some would simply wash the linens as if it were a wine stained blouse
Little Li at ten knelt down and took a small piece of the Eucharist like a dog in a country that has only a drop of Catholics
Little Li's faith is an ocean
Most of us only a drop
From heaven all Jesus has to do is shed one drop of His blood to heal the World
But why would Jesus shed his blood from heaven when he's already given it to us?
The salve is on the altar, but we have to believe